Welcome to Forest Chemicals Review!

The only international trade journal focused on the pine and pulp chemicals industry, which includes products based on rosin, terpenes, tall oil, and related materials. This industry, historically referred to as "naval stores" because of the ancient practice of using pine tar and pitch to seal the hulls of wooden ships, serves a wide variety of modern end uses.
An annual subscription includes six bi-monthly issues plus the International Yearbook, an annual publication which presents statistical information on production and trade of forest chemicals. Worldwide circulation extends throughout companies and individuals involved in all aspects of the forest chemicals value chain, from raw material sources to initial processing to upgraded derivatives to ultimate end use applications.
Readers have access to industry news, company announcements, management topics, technology briefs, international commerce, people happenings, regulatory affairs, and other features of interest to anyone engaged in this industry.

In every issue: 
  •  Industry News 
  •  Management Topics 
  •  International News 
  •  People in the Industry

Turn to Forest Chemicals Review for information on:

  • Crude pine gum harvesting
  • Gum rosin and turpentine processing
  • Tall oil and turpentine recovery from pulp mills
  • Tall oil fractionation into rosin and fatty acids
  • Upgrading rosin, terpenes, and fatty acids into useful performance-enhancing ingredients
  • International trade of forest chemicals
  • Markets served, including adhesives and sealants, flavors and fragrances, inks and coatings, papermaking, rubber and plastics, chewing gum, soaps and detergents, and many others
  • And much, much more!


Call for Reviewers


If you want to apply for the position of an Editorial Board Member or Reviewer on the journal, please contact to the Editor with your CV and a brief covering letter describing why you are a right candidate for the position, to the editor@forestchemicalsreview.com. Your cover letter should not be longer than the one page and should cover where you believe the research field is going (and the journal's place within it), as well as all the details of any previous relevant journal editorial and peer review management experience.

Read more about Call for Reviewers

Current Issue

September-October 2022
Published: 2022-05-15


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