Estimation of MAC in Crumb Rubber Industrial Wastewater Treatment (WWTP) in Padang City
The research was conducted on 6 crumb rubber industries in Padang City to obtain MACs in the treatment of wastewater produced. All costs incurred by the crumb rubber industry to treat their wastewater represent the willingness to pay which is the basis for calculations for the equation model of the Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC). The data used in this research include the total costs incurred by the company in managing wastewater for the last fiveyears and concentration levels for BOD, COD, and TSS parameters. The crumb rubber industry studied has similarities in treating its wastewater, namely by using an activated sludge system. The value of reducing pollutant concentrations is 97%-99% after the wastewater is treated at the WWTPs of each company. The results of the analysis show that the marginal cost equation for the BOD parameter is MAC_BOD=-1913558462.293 + 1935477856.041 X - 255116140.649 X2 + 8451011.993 X3, for the COD parameter MAC_COD=-1459652908.169 + 429227907.049 X - 15172624.415 X2 + 153022.692 X3 and for the TSS parameter we get MAC_TSS=e (21.280 + (-6.451/X)).