Output Performance of Flexible Ecoflex Film Based Triboelectric Nanogeneration during Friction Process
The output performances of triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) are influenced by several parameters such as contact area, material properties, and surface topography etal. However, the influence of friction process on its output performance is not clear. In this work, a TENG worked in slide mode was prepared by flexible Ecoflex00-30 film and aluminum foil electrode. A test apparatus was designed to study the tribological properties and the corresponding output performance of the Ecoflex00-30 film-aluminum foil friction pair with different load and speed. It was found that the working process can be divided into four stages, namely, running-in, initial wear, stable wear, and severe wear stages. In the running-in stage, the electrical output performance of TENG significantly improved with the extension of the test time due to the accumulation of polymer surface charges and the elastic deformation caused by the electrostatic interaction force. In the initial wear stage, an abrasion microstructure was produced on the polymer surface, resulting in an increase in the contact area and slow growth of the electrical output performance. In the stable wear stage, the contact area further increased during the wearing process, and in the meantime, amount of transfer film formed on the electrode surface, which resulting in a stable electrical output when a dynamic balance is achieved. In the severe wear stage, fatigue wears results in pitting formation on the film surface due to the continuous stress cycle, and the electrical output is significantly reduced with the rapidly reduction of contact area.