Display Color Design Method Based on Cloud Platform Forest Model and Data Mining

  • Yun Liao, Ling Liao


Stochastic forest model improves the prediction accuracy of the model by summarizing a large
number of classification trees. It is a new model to replace the traditional machine learning
methods such as neural network. Exhibition hall design should not only meet the requirements
of people's visual function, but also meet the aesthetic psychological needs of visitors seeking
novelty, novelty and change, which requires designers to use light and color to strengthen the
design works. Only in this way can the design concept be highlighted, and the audience can
better accept and understand the information. This paper studies the display color design method
based on cloud platform data mining. The experimental research shows that the color of space
plays an important role in creating environmental atmosphere and promoting visual beauty. At
the same time, color and space function, shape, size, building materials, lighting and other
factors are closely related. So the application of color in space design is comprehensive and
changeable. The display color design method based on cloud platform data mining can use big
data to improve the efficiency and beauty of design.

How to Cite
Yun Liao, Ling Liao. (1). Display Color Design Method Based on Cloud Platform Forest Model and Data Mining. Forest Chemicals Review, 216-225. https://doi.org/10.17762/jfcr.vi.85