Cultivation of College Students' Employment and Entrepreneurship Ability of Agriculture and Forestry Engineering Major Under the Background of Internet Plus

  • Ji Changxin


In view of the requirements of enterprises for the Talents Innovation of agriculture and forestry
engineering major in the employment of students, this paper studies the training of College
Students' employment and entrepreneurial ability and the docking platform of University
Enterprise Talents Internet plus background. Firstly, this paper proposes a new keyword
extraction algorithm based on graph model for college students' innovation ability information
document to tap students' innovation potential. The algorithm uses the keywords extracted from
the traditional textrank to construct the vertex, and calculates the edge weight based on the time
and the number of hits. Finally, the key capability elements are extracted by random walk
iteration. This article uses Spring Boot+Mybatis+ Vue.js The whole stack technology has
realized a platform of talent docking system of school and enterprise. This paper uses the above
algorithm to realize the module of position keyword extraction and user preference path mining.
Finally, the system is tested in function and performance. The results show that web data mining
algorithm improves the innovation ability of students and the efficiency of talent docking
between school and enterprise.

How to Cite
Ji Changxin. (1). Cultivation of College Students’ Employment and Entrepreneurship Ability of Agriculture and Forestry Engineering Major Under the Background of Internet Plus. Forest Chemicals Review, 131-141.