The Logical Basis for the Fully Balanced Development of Public Products

  • Xiangzhou He, Youru He


In order to enable more balanced development of public products, overcome the contradiction between people's growing material and cultural pursuits and the inadequate and unbalanced development, in this paper, through logical reasoning, an in-depth discussion is made on the fully balanced development of public goods. Fundamentally speaking, the inadequate and uneven development of public products is a major contradiction that must be resolved at present and in the future. How to overcome this contradiction is an important issue before the state, governments at all levels, and the public. Regarding the fundamental result of research and innovation, the key to the balanced development of public products lies in the system. We must recognize that the actual high-cost supply system of public products has hindered its fully balanced development, and the high cost of public products stems from the internal inflexible mechanism of public product production and operation organizations. The root cause of the inactivity of the organization subject mechanism lies in the traditional government's monopoly management system over the production and operation of public products.

How to Cite
Xiangzhou He, Youru He. (1). The Logical Basis for the Fully Balanced Development of Public Products. Forest Chemicals Review, 1193-1200. Retrieved from