Effect of Power Plant Flue Gas Coupled with Heavy Metal Adsorption on the Expression of Phosphoglycerate Mutase Gene and Methyltransferase Gene in Nannochloropsis Sp.

  • Jing Sun


This paper analyzes the phosphoglycerate mutase gene and methyltransferase gene expression changes in the high oil-yielding microalgae, Nannochloropsis OZ-1, cultivated with power plant flue gas coupled with heavy metal lead. Nannochloropsis OZ-1 cells were cultured with simulated power plant flue gas coupled with heavy metal Pb2+ in the medium, and then the metabolic products changes in the cells were studied. Using Real-Time PCR test, it was found that the expression level of phosphoglycerate mutase in the cells decreased after the adsorption of heavy metals, resulting in sugar accumulation in the microalgae cells. The accumulation of starch granules in the cells was also found after microscopic observation by transmission electron microscope. More tests are needed to characterize the effect of power plant flue gas coupled heavy metal lead adsorption on the internal metabolic process of Nannochloropsis cells.

How to Cite
Jing Sun. (1). Effect of Power Plant Flue Gas Coupled with Heavy Metal Adsorption on the Expression of Phosphoglycerate Mutase Gene and Methyltransferase Gene in Nannochloropsis Sp. Forest Chemicals Review, 714-725. Retrieved from http://forestchemicalsreview.com/index.php/JFCR/article/view/388