The Irresistible Market Quota Model of New Energy Power Generation under the Goal of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization

  • Qing Luo, Xinyan Zhang, Chen Luo


With more and more attention to environmental protection, reducing carbon emissions is an issue that countries all over the world pay attention to. In order to achieve the goals of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutralization", it is an inevitable trend to vigorously develop new energy power generation. The power market of energy generation is special, and its bidding behavior will have an impact on the market clearing price, and then affect its own bidding strategy. Considering the influence of electricity sellers' bidding strategy on market clearing price and the uncertainty of clearing price itself, an irresistible power market model based on PQC is established by combining the distribution of market clearing price with price quota curve (PQC). The experiment and result analysis show that the method based on PQC can make e-sellers better adapt to the market and reasonably adjust the bidding strategy.

How to Cite
Qing Luo, Xinyan Zhang, Chen Luo. (1). The Irresistible Market Quota Model of New Energy Power Generation under the Goal of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization. Forest Chemicals Review, 1782-1793. Retrieved from