The Integration of Production and Education and the Design of Virtual Intelligent Teachers for Finance and Economics Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges in China

  • Dejun Zou


Finance and economics teachers in higher vocational colleges are facing a sharp increase in daily teaching workload caused by enrollment expansion, and the technical upgrading of Finance and economics majors urgently needs to invest a lot of time in teaching and scientific research. The new generation of information technology not only profoundly changes the post environment and technical standards of Finance and economics, but also gives higher vocational colleges the opportunity of teaching reform of Finance and economics. Higher vocational colleges can use the new generation of information technology to build virtual intelligent teachers. There are efficiency advantages in the teaching of basic knowledge and basic skills of Finance and economics, but there are no efficiency advantages in the teaching of cutting-edge knowledge and complex skills of Finance and economics. The main reason is that the basic knowledge and skills of Finance and economics can be sorted into structured data, while the professional frontier knowledge and complex skills are difficult to be sorted into structured data. The foundation of virtual intelligent teachers is big data technology. The image is constructed by 5g and other communication technologies, Internet of things technology and AR/VR technology, while the brain is composed of cloud service technology and AI technology. Virtual intelligent teachers can provide personalized learning paths and teaching resources according to various teaching purposes and the knowledge base of students from different sources, so as to improve teaching quality and efficiency.

How to Cite
Dejun Zou. (1). The Integration of Production and Education and the Design of Virtual Intelligent Teachers for Finance and Economics Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges in China. Forest Chemicals Review, 1715-1744. Retrieved from