The Research on Evaluating the Interactive Interface of Learning App for Adolescent Children Based on Visual Guidance Design

  • Yangyang Wei, Yihan Wang, Guanqiao Shen, Xuyi Li


The growing popularity of online teaching and the increasing number of mobile applications have made mobile learning increasingly pervasive in the daily lives of adolescent children, and learning APP's have become an important form of learning for adolescent children in and out of class. This paper is based on the design of a visually oriented interactive interface for adolescent children's learning app. The research takes the APP's design of visual guidance as the entry point, conducts a comprehensive analysis of the psychological characteristics of adolescent children, and conducts a comparative analysis of the user experience evaluation of three existing APP's in the market. Using the actual demand feedback from the main user group of APP's - adolescent children and their parents, we conduct data excavation and data analysis of the ranking of the user demand index of these APP's, and explore the ways to improve and optimise the adolescent children's learning APP's interactive interface of visual guidance from the perspective of satisfying users' needs.

How to Cite
Yangyang Wei, Yihan Wang, Guanqiao Shen, Xuyi Li. (1). The Research on Evaluating the Interactive Interface of Learning App for Adolescent Children Based on Visual Guidance Design. Forest Chemicals Review, 2597-2612. Retrieved from