Professional Identity Promoting Professional Development of Teachers in Forestry Science Based on Survival Analysis Model

  • Li Liqin


Survival analysis model is one of the common analysis models in forest industrial
manufacturing. Based on the survival analysis model, this paper studies the role of professional
identity in promoting professional development of teachers in forestry science. Teachers with
different professional identity have different development characteristics in all aspects of
professional structure. On the basis of field interviews, this study analyzes four ways that
teachers' professional identity affects their professional development. The results show that
professional identity can stimulate the persistence of teachers' professional beliefs and promote
the reasonable construction of teachers' professional ideas; Professional identity can stimulate
teachers' reflection and accumulation. Professional identity can promote the development of
teachers' professional knowledge and ability. Professional identity can stimulate the motivation
of teachers' development and affect the formation and change of professional attitude
motivation. Professional identity can promote teachers' awareness of self professional
development and tend to the ideal state of professional development. The results of this study
have a certain reference value for the research on the promotion of teachers' professional
identity to professional development.

How to Cite
Li Liqin. (1). Professional Identity Promoting Professional Development of Teachers in Forestry Science Based on Survival Analysis Model. Forest Chemicals Review, 116-126.